Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This is more than PMS?

Oh, those dreadful days! You feel horrible, crying, explodes over trifles, and even a dog at the sight of you is hidden. Do you think that the reason normal ICP, and do not suspect the existence of yet another serious disorder: PMDD (Premenstrual depressive Disorientation).

Symptoms of PMDD is much more serious signs of normal ICP. They appear one week before the start of the cycle and almost knocked a woman out of normal rhythm. A few days after the beginning of monthly unpleasant symptoms disappear.

In any case, on the eve of menstruation a woman feels very bad. She becomes irritable, overly emotional, tired and prone to mood swings. There may be physical symptoms: bloating and breast tenderness. With PMDD, these unpleasant sensation is magnified, interfering with normal life and work.

PMDD makes a woman so irritable, that she lost all control over himself. However, despite all those nasty symptoms, many in this period continued to go to work and communicate with people. Woman is difficult to cope with outbreaks of anger, therefore, PMDD during her frequent quarrels with family members and colleagues.

Who is PMDD?

ICP suffers from at least half of women of reproductive age. PMDD exposed to only 3-5% of the fair sex.

According to the surveys, which involved 500 women, most aware of the ICP. However, 84% of respondents had never heard of PMDD.

Majority of respondents noted that it has the signs of PMS, but 45% had never complained about the doctor. Even those who have been heavy or moderate PMS, in 27% of cases do not go to the doctor. They ignore the problem, which is an extremely negative impact on their daily lives.

Some women over the years can not decide on what to discuss with experts of their condition. They are afraid of ridicule and do not want to sign of weakness.

Keep a diary

If you suspect that PMS or PMDD, consult a doctor and make a diary, which will record all your symptoms. Entries and help the patient and doctor understand which symptoms occur just before menstruation, but not in other phases of the cycle. This is important to not confuse PMS, PMDD from depression and other diseases.

For symptoms of PMS often hidden depression. If a tangible mood swings persist after menstruation begins, contact your doctor. Mental disorders (eg, the same depression) and chronic disease (diabetes, asthma) degrade with PMS or PMDD. Before menstruation all "sores" aggravated.

The exact causes of PMS and PMDD is unknown. According to one of the existing theories, their cause hormonal changes in different phases of the menstrual cycle. Recent studies have found an association between premenstrual symptoms and lower levels of serotonin - a substance transmitting signals between nerve cells (neurons) of the brain.

How to deal with PMS and PMDD?

Attempts to solve the problem with regular aerobics, reduce stress, reduce the consumption of caffeine and carbohydrates help with PMS, but almost useless for PMDD.

In the second case it is necessary medication. To eliminate sharp changes in mood and other symptoms of PMS is recommended antidepressants Class serotonin reuptake inhibitors. These include fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe you the usual sedatives or other medications.

Effect of antidepressants, there is a few weeks, so if they help you, you should drink them daily for several months.

The test "Do you have PMDD?"

Pay attention to how you feel the week before menstruation. If you answer positively for at least part of the allegations listed below, contact your doctor for diagnosis of PMDD. From cycle to cycle, symptoms can be different, so before the visit to a specialist for 2-3 cycles in detail to describe his physical and psychological condition in a special diary. Entries can help your doctor to properly assess the situation.

So, you are experiencing:

* Irritability
* Fatigue
* Nervousness
* Bloating
* Sensitivity
* Increased appetite
* Sadness
* Breast tenderness
* The feeling of overcrowding in the stomach
* Sudden changes in mood unreasonable

These symptoms interfere with you:

* At work
* In everyday life
* The school
* In his relations with friends and family

Problems disappear immediately after the beginning of menstruation?

* Yes
* No
Rx Delaware

ICP destroys the lives of many women

According to a recent study, premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has on the lives of women more devastating impact than previously thought.

In moderate and severe cases, it prevents the woman not only to work normally, but simply to live their daily lives.

Many women believe that the pronounced manifestations of PMS are normal, and reconciled with his condition, thinking that they have no choice.

But if the ICP destroys plans and prevent a woman to communicate with other people, caring for children and work in normal mode, the time has come to ask for help from medicine.

In one recent study of more than 400 women within 2 months of daily recorded in the diary of his condition. Participants evaluated scored sleep, appetite, bloating, hard work, as well as feelings of irritability, depression and apathy. Women indicated how often they had not come to work, and how much influence the ICP.

It was found that women with moderate and severe course of premenstrual syndrome:

* Almost 9 times more likely to have worsening of the illness, which is observed within 1 week or longer.
* In the 5 times more likely to report reduced efficiency (80% of women in this group it lasted a week and longer).
* There are two times more likely to take sick leave for two or more days.

However, exact data on how many women suffer from complications of ICP does not exist. In that study the number was 30%.

Part of the difficulty stems from the fact that women do not go to the doctor until the symptoms of PMS do not start to really threaten their normal lives. Although, on the other hand, problems that have traditionally been associated with PMS may be caused by other reasons.

In addition, the precise definition of premenstrual syndrome does not exist, therefore, to collect reliable statistics on this issue is not easy. Some say that the problem of ICP contrived, others - that it is very common and occurs in 30-70% of women.

It is believed that approximately 4% of women have premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PRD) - a severe form of PMS. It is difficult to determine how many women suffer from it, because many of them do not go to the doctor.

To develop a single definition of PMS needs further investigation. Many women have related health problems. For example, feeling worse before menstruation can be depression. Scientists can not yet say exactly how hormonal changes during menstruation affect the level of serotonin - a substance regulating a person's mood. The cause of poor health may also be a disease of the thyroid gland.

Among the symptoms of PMS - bloating, headaches, increased appetite, abdominal cramps, breast tenderness, nervousness, mood swings, irritability and depression.

In general, there is, something to discuss with your doctor.

Here are some ways to help alleviate the symptoms of PMS:

* Exercise several times a week.
* Eat right, during menstruation eat more foods rich in complex carbohydrates (cereals, potatoes).
* Eat foods with high calcium content, which not only improve your health, but also strengthen the bones.
* Ask the doctor whether you should receive antidepressants from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
Rx Maine

PMS & Food

Gain weight, endlessly devouring chips and chocolate? All week, frustrated at their home? Stomach ache? So, it is time to consult with his feminine calendar. Surely you are about to begin "critical days".

It is believed that 40% of women of reproductive age suffer from pronounced physical and emotional manifestations of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), preventing the lead ordinary lives. On the existence of PMS and its negative impact on the well-being of women have long known, but the reasons for the phenomenon has not been fully explored. Evident only by the fact that the process involves hormones: progesterone, estrogen and testosterone, as well as serotonin - a substance contained in the brain.

Try the carbohydrate treatment "

One of the most annoying physical consequences of the ICP - increased appetite and weight gain.

Women suffering from PMS, love to eat chocolate or crisps. But a passionate desire to eat before your period has nothing to do with hunger. It is caused by biochemical processes in the brain. Changes in hormonal environment in women can lead to a shortage of serotonin, and one way to fix this imbalance is to consume foods containing a lot of carbohydrates. However. as it is impossible always to drink champagne to quench their thirst, so you should not be carried away and chocolate and chips in order to improve health.

Women's addiction to fatty and sweet foods before your period due to an instinctive desire to rapidly raise the level of serotonin and endorphins. While this is certainly not the only one and not the best way. Far better food, rich in complex carbohydrates. It not only helps to increase serotonin in the body, but also contributes to better metabolize progesterone.

Many women literally throw themselves at salt, fat and especially sweet foods. But they choose the wrong products. Ice cream, chocolate and similar foods only degrade with PMS, causing a sharp rise, and then immediately sharp decline in blood glucose levels. This again leads to feelings of hunger.

Paradoxically, the consumption of certain products helps reduce the appetite for PMS. If before menstruation and pulls you to eat something "harmful" and fight with this desire with the help of cereals and legumes. You can eat a piece of tuna on rye or rice crispy rice cakes.

By the way, suppress the urge to eat something sweet you can add the food a little vegetable oil, for example, almond or a little mayonnaise. They actually reduce the appetite.

The "rule of halves"

When it comes to reducing the appetite for PMS, it does not matter what you eat. Much more important, HOW you eat. Feeding small portions 6 times a day helps to stabilize blood glucose levels and overcome feelings of hunger. At the same time you eat no more, and more.

Special diet for PMS do not have to adhere to. It is better to use the "rule of halves".

For example, at breakfast - half a plate of porridge in the skim milk, which added berries, at 11:00 - some whole grain bread with slices of carrot and celery, or half a banana. For lunch you can eat half a chicken breast and half an apple, but after 2-3 hours - drink half a cup of nonfat yogurt, eat a little cheese or the remnants of a chicken and apple.

The "rule of halves" helps women to stop worry about the fact that she ate a lot and gain weight.

Do not forget about micronutrient

In the normal content of calcium and magnesium desire to eat chocolate there is much less. Magnesium relaxes muscles, normalizes blood glucose levels and provides a deep sleep that when ICP is especially important. In addition, it was he who improves the assimilation of calcium.

Benefits of calcium and magnesium to relieve the symptoms of PMS has repeatedly proved. Receiving 1200 mg calcium carbonate per day in the form of chewable tablets reduces symptoms of PMS by nearly 50%, while receiving 200 mg of magnesium per day for 40% less marked edema, chest pain and bloating.

Simple recipe

Reduce your appetite and not gain weight will help the two old proven means: every day to drink 6-8 glasses of water and do exercises regularly.

Women tend to restrict fluid intake, fearing the appearance of edema - one of the symptoms of PMS. In fact, the water cleanses the body and reduces bloating - frequent symptom, appearing before menstruation.

Physical activity also helps eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of PMS. It helps to not only burn calories, but also to remove tension and improve mood.

Here are some ways to improve the state of health at the ICP:

* Eat more food containing complex carbohydrates (bread, cereal, pasta from durum wheat, cereals), fiber and protein. Reduce consumption of sugar and fat.
* On the eve of menstruation, avoid salty foods. This will help reduce swelling and bloating.
* Eliminate the use of foods and beverages containing caffeine, as well forget about alcohol.
* Daily intake of 1200 mg of calcium helps to reduce symptoms of PMS.
* Vitamin supplements containing magnesium, reduces bloating, chest pain, and mood swings. Vitamins B6 and E also help to improve the well-being at the ICP.
* Talk about your problems with friends. The realization that not only do you suffer from PMS, sometimes helps.
* Aerobics. Train for 30 minutes 4-6 times a week.
* Try to relax and reduce stress through yoga and massage.
* Try to sleep (the average night of sleep should be about 8 hours).

When a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition do not help, assigned medication with antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics, or oral contraceptives.
Rx Missouri